Understand Your Hormonal Health Better with DUTCH Testing

Discover a valuable tool to evaluate and optimize hormone health, effectively addressing symptoms like fatigue, anxiety, weight gain, hair loss, hard periods, PMS, and mood swings.

Hormones Lab Testing

Unlock your path to optimal health with our range of DUTCH tests. Whether you're experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance or simply want to check in on your health, our tests provide comprehensive insights that can guide your wellness journey. Choose from the DUTCH Complete, DUTCH Plus, or the DUTCH Cycle Mapping Complete, each designed to meet your unique health needs and offer a more holistic view of your hormonal health compared to traditional hormone blood tests.

Our DUTCH Tests

DUTCH Complete

Ideal for anyone experiencing general symptoms of hormonal imbalance like fatigue, mood swings, and sleep disturbances. This test gives a full spectrum analysis of your hormonal health, covering everything from stress hormones to sex hormones.


Includes all the benefits of the DUTCH Complete with the addition of the Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR), essential for those with stress-related issues and sleep irregularities. Understand how your daily rhythms affect your overall wellness.

DUTCH Cycle Mapping Complete

Specially designed for women, this test combines the comprehensive hormonal snapshot of the DUTCH Complete with detailed cycle mapping, perfect for those with menstrual irregularities or undergoing fertility investigations.

Why Choose DUTCH Tests for Hormone Assessment?

  • Unrivaled Accuracy and Depth. Our DUTCH tests go beyond traditional hormone testing by providing detailed profiles of your sex hormones, adrenal hormones, and their metabolites. This thorough analysis helps pinpoint specific imbalances, guiding more effective treatment and lifestyle adjustments.

  • Comprehensive Hormone Assessment. DUTCH tests bring together an exhaustive trio of panels—Sex Hormones, Adrenal, and Organic Acid Tests (OAT)—to deliver a profound analysis across a spectrum of analytes. Get the full story on your hormonal health in one detailed report.

    • Detailed Sex Hormone Analysis. Reveal the nuances of your hormonal health with detailed measurements of urinary Progesterone (2), Androgens including Testosterone (8), and Estrogen Metabolites (9). Each reading offers a window into the vital sex hormones that govern many aspects of your health and wellbeing.

    • Assess Adrenal Function and Stress Responses. With our precise evaluations of Cortisol (4), Cortisone (4), and Cortisol Metabolites (3), gain a deeper understanding of your adrenal function and how your body handles stress. This information is crucial for managing stress and optimizing your body's circadian rhythms.

    • Explore Organic Acids and Neurotransmitter Status. DUTCH tests go beyond traditional hormone panels by including Creatinine (4), DHEA-S, and a comprehensive set of markers related to neurotransmitters and metabolic health, like Vanilmandelate, Homovanillate, and others. These detailed insights provide a holistic view of your overall health, from sleep patterns with Melatonin (6-OHMS) analysis to oxidative stress with 8-OHdG.

  • Convenient and Non-Invasive. All DUTCH tests use dried urine samples, making them easy and non-invasive. Collect your samples from the comfort of your home, at your convenience, without the need for lab visits.

  • Tailored to You. From women struggling with menstrual irregularities to men facing age-related hormonal changes, our tests are tailored to provide the insights you need. Choose the test that aligns with your symptoms and lifestyle through our easy comparison guide.

  • Targeted Health Insights. Identify specific areas for health improvements, whether it's stress management, sleep quality, or hormonal balance.

  • Empower Your Health Decisions: Armed with comprehensive data, make informed choices about your health and lifestyle adjustments. You deserve to feel your best each day.

How Does DUTCH Compare To Other Hormone Tests?

Dried Urine vs. Saliva Testing: While saliva testing provides valuable insights into the free cortisol pattern, it lacks a crucial element – measuring cortisol metabolites. DUTCH measures both free and metabolized cortisol, offering a more comprehensive view for accurate HPA-Axis function assessment and precise diagnosis of hormonal imbalances.

Dried Urine vs. Blood Serum Testing: Serum testing, though widely accepted, has limitations. Adrenal hormones, especially free cortisol throughout the day, cannot be effectively tested. Additionally, serum testing lacks extensive metabolite testing, particularly for cortisol and estrogens, limiting its clinical utility.

Dried Urine vs. 24-Hour Urine Testing: 24-hour urine testing has drawbacks, including cumbersome collection and potential errors. DUTCH simplifies the process with just four or five dried urine samples over 24 hours, eliminating the need for two separate tests. It also provides a comprehensive view of diurnal cortisol patterns.

Who Can Benefit from DUTCH Hormone Testing?

DUTCH testing is beneficial for:

  • Reproductive Health: Address menstrual cycle irregularities and fertility challenges with precise hormone level measurements. Understand your body’s signals and take control of your reproductive health.

  • Menopause Management: Ease the transition through menopause with detailed insights into your hormonal landscape. Tackle symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings with data-driven strategies.

  • Hormonal Balance: Combat fatigue, mood swings, and other signs of hormone imbalance. Tailor your lifestyle and treatment options based on comprehensive hormone data.

  • Estrogen Management: Identify and manage estrogen dominance, which can lead to symptoms like weight gain, fibroids, and fatigue. Empower yourself with the knowledge to make informed health decisions.

  • PCOS Management: Pinpoint and manage PCOS symptoms such as irregular cycles, weight fluctuation, and hormonal acne with precise hormone testing.

  • Adrenal Health: Uncover adrenal health issues from chronic stress to adrenal fatigue. Optimize your stress response and enhance your overall energy levels.

  • Androgen Levels: Assess androgen excess or deficiency with precise testing. Address conditions like declining testosterone, which can impact muscle mass, mental clarity, and overall vitality.

  • Thyroid Function: Link symptoms of thyroid disorders with hormonal imbalances to better understand and treat your condition.

  • Sleep and Stress: Explore how cortisol levels impact your sleep quality and daily stress, enabling a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

  • Comprehensive Insights for Chronic Conditions: If you suspect that hormonal imbalances are exacerbating chronic conditions, DUTCH hormone testing provides the detailed insights needed to adjust your health strategies effectively.

Considerations Before Taking the DUTCH Complete Test:

The DUTCH Complete test may not be suitable for everyone. It is generally not recommended for children, prepubescent adolescents, pregnant or breastfeeding women, or individuals currently taking hormonal medications or steroid medications. Those with kidney or liver impairments, recent surgeries, or acute illnesses should also avoid this test. If any of these apply to you, please consult with us before ordering to determine if the DUTCH Complete test is appropriate for your specific health condition.

Which DUTCH Test is Best For You?

Figuring out what test to order can be overwhelming. Not sure which test to choose? Our free comparison document will help clarify which test is the perfect match for your health needs so you can feel confident you ordered the right test.

Dutch Hormone Lab Test Report

What You Receive From Healing Masters

  • Expert Analysis. Each test comes with a detailed interpretation by our certified integrative practitioners, offering you clear, actionable insights from a holistic root cause perspective.

  • Flexible Report Formats. Choose between a written report or a personalized video summary, whatever fits your lifestyle and learning preference.

  • Support and Guidance. After you get your test results, we offer the option of additional health coaching and consultation packages to help you implement the changes needed to optimize your health.

How It Works

    1. Complete information on each collection device.

    2. Saturate the filter paper by urinating directly on it or use a clean cup to dip the filter paper.

    3. Leave the device open to dry for at least 24 hours.

    4. Once dry, close each device, place them in the resealable plastic bag, and return in the provided envelope. Include the completed requisition form and payment card if needed.

  • Collection Timing Based on Menstrual Cycle Type:

    Typical 28-Day Cycle: Collect on days 19 to 22, which is 5-7 days after ovulation if day 1 is the first day of bleeding.

    Short Cycle: Adjust the collection days by subtracting the number of days your cycle is shorter than 28 days. For example, for a 25-day cycle, collect on days 16 to 19.

    Long Cycle: Adjust by adding days if your cycle extends beyond 28 days. For a 40-day cycle, collect on days 31 to 34.

    Irregular or No Bleeding: Use an ovulation predictor kit (OPK) daily until a positive result indicates likely ovulation soon. Collect the test 5-7 days after a positive OPK. If no ovulation or period occurs for 60 days, test on any day but expect lower hormone levels.

    Special Considerations:

    Menopausal Women: Can collect any day as they do not ovulate or bleed regularly.

    Men: Can collect any day.

    For irregular cycles or in cases where menstruation does not occur due to medical interventions or natural causes, consider the DUTCH Cycle Mapping to monitor hormonal changes throughout the month.

  • Avoid the following foods as much as possible the day before AND day of testing: Avocado, Bananas, Eggplant, Kiwi, Butternuts, Pecans, Walnuts (and associated nut butters), Pineapple (and pineapple juice), Plantains, and Plums.

  • Results typically take 5-10 days from sample receipt, considering processing time, shipping, lab workload, and quality checks. Discuss the expected timeline with your healthcare provider and plan follow-up appointments accordingly.

  • The DUTCH Test® provides excellent information for men looking to optimize their health and wellbeing. While it is common to focus only on increasing testosterone, other hormones play key roles in symptoms such as fatigue, abdominal weight gain, gynecomastia, male pattern baldness, depression, insomnia, and more.

    Research shows that testosterone can decrease as much as 1-2% every year after age 30, with some men starting to see the effect of low testosterone as early as their 20s. As testosterone and DHEA levels fall, and estrogen levels rise, men undergo their own form of menopause, called 'andropause'.

    Signs of declining testosterone levels include a decrease in muscle mass, abdominal weight gain, chronic fatigue, brain fog, and loss of executive function. Testosterone deficiency can be harmful to men's sexual health and self-confidence, enhancing the risk for mood disorders.

    The DUTCH Plus® is a great way to establish a baseline understanding of testosterone levels.

“At-home DUTCH testing kits are the gold standard for measuring sex and adrenal hormone health. Men and women can use this data to prevent and correct health conditions like burnout, sex hormone imbalances, chronic fatigue, mood swings, sleep disorders, and more.”

— Nic Southerton, Integrative Health Coach & Nurse Practitioner

Take control of your hormonal health today!

Ready to understand your body better and make empowered health decisions? We make it easy to order this test yourself online and get an expert interpretation of the results from the comfort of your home.


We are here to guide you every step of the way.
info@healingmasterscoaching.com with your questions and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: The information provided through DUTCH testing services are intended for educational and informational purposes only. This information does not provide medical advice and should not be used to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure and disease or condition under any circumstances. Purchasing a test off our website does not establish a primary care relationship with Nicholas Southerton or any of our other integrative health practitioners nor does it replace your need for a relationship with your primary care medical provider. Always consult with your medical provider before engaging in any dietary, lifestyle, or supplement changes. It is your responsibility to consult with a qualified medical provider for medical advice based on test results. Healing Masters services are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Since these tests are not diagnostic in nature, they are not covered by insurance. Therefore we do not provide insurance billing or related paperwork for reimbursement. If you choose to use an HSA card for payment, you do so knowing we will not provide any medical necessity paperwork. Testing is not available to clients living in NY, NJ, RI or outside of the United States. If you are interested in interpretation of previous DUTCH results, please contact us.