Tools for Optimal Wellness & Vitality
The Healing Masters Blog
Articles, resources and free guides to help you heal the root causes of chronic health challenges and make wellness practices a part of daily life
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Neurological Symptoms Of Mold Exposure: 5 Things You Must Know
Are you experiencing balance and coordination issues, brain fog, or vision disturbances? If your neuro symptoms aren’t going away and you’re coming up empty-ended, it’s time to consider if they could be explained by mold illness. If you suspect your symptoms are from mold, there are 5 things you need to know as you dive into your healing journey. Discover the hidden neurological impact of mold exposure, including balance issues, memory loss, and cognitive decline. Learn essential insights on susceptibility, home testing, and the urgent need for addressing mold toxicity for overall well-being.

The Liver - Part 2: What Impairs Detox & How to Improve Liver Health
Explore the critical role of the liver in detoxification and overall well-being in this blog post. This installment, part of our essential drainage series, dives deep into the factors that hinder the liver's detox processes, including the impacts of a leaky gut, genetic predispositions, and the unavoidable decline in detox ability with age. We discuss common symptoms signaling liver distress and the insidious nature of fatty liver disease, shedding light on its causes, from alcohol consumption to the less talked about nonalcoholic fatty liver disease affecting a significant portion of the population. Our blog offers provides actionable advice on nurturing your liver back to optimal health through dietary changes, toxin reduction, and supportive supplementation.