Tools for Optimal Wellness & Vitality

The Healing Masters Blog

Articles, resources and free guides to help you heal the root causes of chronic health challenges and make wellness practices a part of daily life

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Toxins, Terrain Theory and Your Health
Toxicity, Gut Health Sarah Southerton Toxicity, Gut Health Sarah Southerton

Toxins, Terrain Theory and Your Health

Uncover the nuances of Terrain Theory and its impact on health. Explore the great debate between Germ Theory and Terrain Theory. Learn how toxins disrupt internal harmony, affecting bacteria, and discover the path to enduring wellness. Terrain theory explains why several people who are “exposed” to the same disease or conditions don’t have the same reaction and intensity of illness. Learn why foundational medicine starts with getting the environment of our body ready to heal and rebalance before beginning any treatment.

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Navigating Environmental Toxicity and Hormonal Health
Toxicity, Hormones Sarah Southerton Toxicity, Hormones Sarah Southerton

Navigating Environmental Toxicity and Hormonal Health

In the quest for optimal health, it is essential to recognize the intricate interplay between environmental factors and physiological wellbeing, especially when it comes to hormonal balance. The research is clear: environmental toxicity influences our hormone levels, upsetting the delicate balance of the endocrine system and more. This blog explains how environmental pollutants and higher toxic burden within the body contribute to hormonal dysregulation, and how holistic evidence-based strategies can be followed to mitigate these effects.

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The Differences Between Drainage Pathways and Detox
Drainage Pathways, Toxicity Sarah Southerton Drainage Pathways, Toxicity Sarah Southerton

The Differences Between Drainage Pathways and Detox

In the realm of holistic healing and wellness, two terms often stand out: drainage and detoxification (detox). Both are processes dedicated to clearing out harmful substances and toxins from our bodies. But while they might sound interchangeable, they serve unique and equally important roles in ensuring our health. For those who struggle with gut health challenges, fatigue, allergies, and brain fog, understanding the distinction is pivotal. In this blog, I’ll discuss the differences between drainage and detox, and why supporting drainage before moving into a deeper detox is so important.

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5 Herbal Antibiotics That Heal Your Gut
Toxicity, Gut Health Sarah Southerton Toxicity, Gut Health Sarah Southerton

5 Herbal Antibiotics That Heal Your Gut

As concerns over antibiotic resistance grow and awareness spreads about the damage both synthetic antibiotics and pesticides can inflict on our gut, many are turning back to the ancient wisdom of herbal remedies. Dive into the world of herbal antibiotics with this enlightening guide to natural gut healing. Discover the potent powers of garlic, oregano, berberine, ginger, and cloves as formidable allies against the detrimental effects of synthetic antibiotics and the widespread use of glyphosate in modern agriculture. Embrace the age-old wisdom of herbal remedies and embark on your journey towards a revitalized gut microbiome.

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Why Mold Causes You to Hold Your Breath

Why Mold Causes You to Hold Your Breath

This blog focuses on a unique aspect of our body's protective responses to stress and illness. We are looking at the unconscious habit of breath-holding. Why does it occur, what impact does it have, and how can we utilize conscious breathing practices to counteract it? We explore the connection between breath holding, mold illness, and dysautonomia, shedding light on how these conditions intertwine and impact an individual's wellbeing.

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Neurological Symptoms Of Mold Exposure: 5 Things You Must Know
Toxicity Sarah Southerton Toxicity Sarah Southerton

Neurological Symptoms Of Mold Exposure: 5 Things You Must Know

Are you experiencing balance and coordination issues, brain fog, or vision disturbances? If your neuro symptoms aren’t going away and you’re coming up empty-ended, it’s time to consider if they could be explained by mold illness. If you suspect your symptoms are from mold, there are 5 things you need to know as you dive into your healing journey. Discover the hidden neurological impact of mold exposure, including balance issues, memory loss, and cognitive decline. Learn essential insights on susceptibility, home testing, and the urgent need for addressing mold toxicity for overall well-being.

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Could Mold Toxicity Be Behind Your MCAS?

Could Mold Toxicity Be Behind Your MCAS?

How are MCAS and mold toxicity related? Mast cell activation syndrome is often triggered by mold toxicity. Stressors can dislodge mycotoxins that are attached to your cells, travel through your bloodstream and come into contact with your mast cells. This can activate your mast cells, leading them to release inflammatory mediators that cause your MCAS flare-ups.

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The Liver - Part 2: What Impairs Detox & How to Improve Liver Health
Drainage Pathways, Toxicity Sarah Southerton Drainage Pathways, Toxicity Sarah Southerton

The Liver - Part 2: What Impairs Detox & How to Improve Liver Health

Explore the critical role of the liver in detoxification and overall well-being in this blog post. This installment, part of our essential drainage series, dives deep into the factors that hinder the liver's detox processes, including the impacts of a leaky gut, genetic predispositions, and the unavoidable decline in detox ability with age. We discuss common symptoms signaling liver distress and the insidious nature of fatty liver disease, shedding light on its causes, from alcohol consumption to the less talked about nonalcoholic fatty liver disease affecting a significant portion of the population. Our blog offers provides actionable advice on nurturing your liver back to optimal health through dietary changes, toxin reduction, and supportive supplementation.

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Cell Danger Response Impact on Your Health

Cell Danger Response Impact on Your Health

Have you been sick for an extended amount of time, and you can’t seem to get better no matter what you do? In fact, your symptoms are progressively getting worse. If this sounds familiar, your healing process may be “getting stuck” in the Cell Danger Response (CDR) mode. If this cellular dysfunction is left unaddressed, it leads to uncontrolled inflammation, various debilitating symptoms, and even complex chronic illnesses. But there is hope. You can get yourself out of the CDR, and truly heal.

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Why Am I Sensitive To Everything?

Why Am I Sensitive To Everything?

Feeling overwhelmed by sensitivities to practically everything? Dive into our enlightening blog to uncover why your body might be in constant alert mode, reacting to foods, scents, and environmental triggers. Discover the Terrain Theory and how rebalancing your inner ecosystem could be the key to overcoming these sensitivities. From mold toxicity to Lyme disease, learn how to identify and address the root causes of your discomfort for a healthier, happier life.

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Toxicity, Sensitivity & Chronic Illness Connection

Toxicity, Sensitivity & Chronic Illness Connection

Dive into the intricate connection between environmental toxicity, heightened sensitivities, and the emergence of chronic illnesses. This blog sheds light on how underlying infections and toxic exposures contribute to conditions like MCAS, offering insights into preventive measures and healing strategies. Discover the importance of recognizing and addressing these root causes to regain control of your health and navigate the path to recovery.

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