Tools for Optimal Wellness & Vitality

The Healing Masters Blog

Articles, resources and free guides to help you heal the root causes of chronic health challenges and make wellness practices a part of daily life

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Are Emotional Blocks Interfering with Your Healing?
Healing Mindset, Stress Management Sarah Southerton Healing Mindset, Stress Management Sarah Southerton

Are Emotional Blocks Interfering with Your Healing?

Here at Healing Masters, we believe in unlocking the full potential of our health and well-being by focusing not just on the physical aspects of healing, but also the emotional and spiritual elements. Today, we dive into a question that might resonate deeply with many of you that feel stuck or disconnected: Are emotional blocks interfering with your healing?

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How Your Emotions Impact The Drainage Pathways
Drainage Pathways, Stress Management Sarah Southerton Drainage Pathways, Stress Management Sarah Southerton

How Your Emotions Impact The Drainage Pathways

Despite what conventional medicine tells us, our bodies are marvelous, complex systems where every part is connected. This is particularly true when considering the relationship between our emotions and our physical health. Have you ever noticed that stress can cause stomach upset or that anxiety can make you feel physically drained? This isn't just coincidence; it's a reflection of how closely our emotions are tied to our body's functions, particularly the brain, nervous system, and drainage pathways. In this blog post, we'll explore how your emotional world is deeply interconnected with your physical well-being and ability to eliminate waste from the body.

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How Parasites Clog Your Drainage Pathways
Drainage Pathways, Parasites Sarah Southerton Drainage Pathways, Parasites Sarah Southerton

How Parasites Clog Your Drainage Pathways

This blog explores an often overlooked aspect of gut health and overall wellness: the impact of parasites on your body's drainage pathways. It's a topic that might seem a bit daunting at first, but understanding it is crucial for anyone striving for optimal health, especially if you're dealing with gut health challenges, hormonal imbalances, fatigue, allergies, brain fog, or anxiousness.

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The Impact of Fasting on Drainage Pathways
Drainage Pathways Sarah Southerton Drainage Pathways Sarah Southerton

The Impact of Fasting on Drainage Pathways

Ever felt sluggish, mentally foggy, or just not yourself? These signals often point to clogged internal drainage pathways. The ancient remedy of fasting, while trendy today, has a rich history. This blog explores the science and potential benefits of fasting, helping you understand if it's right for you.

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The Differences Between Drainage Pathways and Detox
Drainage Pathways, Toxicity Sarah Southerton Drainage Pathways, Toxicity Sarah Southerton

The Differences Between Drainage Pathways and Detox

In the realm of holistic healing and wellness, two terms often stand out: drainage and detoxification (detox). Both are processes dedicated to clearing out harmful substances and toxins from our bodies. But while they might sound interchangeable, they serve unique and equally important roles in ensuring our health. For those who struggle with gut health challenges, fatigue, allergies, and brain fog, understanding the distinction is pivotal. In this blog, I’ll discuss the differences between drainage and detox, and why supporting drainage before moving into a deeper detox is so important.

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5 Herbal Antibiotics That Heal Your Gut
Toxicity, Gut Health Sarah Southerton Toxicity, Gut Health Sarah Southerton

5 Herbal Antibiotics That Heal Your Gut

As concerns over antibiotic resistance grow and awareness spreads about the damage both synthetic antibiotics and pesticides can inflict on our gut, many are turning back to the ancient wisdom of herbal remedies. Dive into the world of herbal antibiotics with this enlightening guide to natural gut healing. Discover the potent powers of garlic, oregano, berberine, ginger, and cloves as formidable allies against the detrimental effects of synthetic antibiotics and the widespread use of glyphosate in modern agriculture. Embrace the age-old wisdom of herbal remedies and embark on your journey towards a revitalized gut microbiome.

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How MCAS May Explain Your Symptoms
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) Sarah Southerton Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) Sarah Southerton

How MCAS May Explain Your Symptoms

Struggling with a plethora of mysterious symptoms that leave even the best doctors puzzled? Discover how Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) could be the hidden culprit behind your health woes. From chronic fatigue and severe allergies to digestive issues and skin flare-ups, MCAS is an often misdiagnosed condition affecting many. This blog dives into MCAS, shedding light on its symptoms, misdiagnosis issues, and the hopeful journey towards recovery.

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