Tools for Optimal Wellness & Vitality

The Healing Masters Blog

Articles, resources and free guides to help you heal the root causes of chronic health challenges and make wellness practices a part of daily life

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Uncover Food Sensitivities and Hidden Allergies With LRA Testing
Functional Lab Testing Sarah Southerton Functional Lab Testing Sarah Southerton

Uncover Food Sensitivities and Hidden Allergies With LRA Testing

If you suspect your immune system is overburdened by various allergens and pathogens, Lymphocyte Response Assay (LRA) testing can streamline the elimination process. You can significantly reduce inflammation and symptom expression by identifying and eliminating allergens from your diet or environment. ELISA/ACT’s LRA tests measure up to 512 different allergens, including foods, additives and preservatives, food colorings, molds, environmental chemicals, toxic minerals and metals, medications, therapeutic herbs, dander, hairs, and feathers. This test was critical to reducing my mast cell activation symptoms.

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A Simple Intro To Drainage Pathways: The First Step In Detox
Drainage Pathways, Foundations of Wellness Sarah Southerton Drainage Pathways, Foundations of Wellness Sarah Southerton

A Simple Intro To Drainage Pathways: The First Step In Detox

Are you eager to start your detox journey but want to avoid the common pitfalls that can make you feel worse before you feel better? We've got a crucial insight for you: Drainage always comes before detoxification. In this post, we'll take you through the body's drainage funnel – the vital order in which your body moves fluids to eliminate toxins. Discover why this first step is the key to a successful and symptom-free detox and learn how proper drainage can pave the way for a healthier, revitalized you!

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Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (FBCA) Testing
Functional Lab Testing Sarah Southerton Functional Lab Testing Sarah Southerton

Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (FBCA) Testing

Explore the transformative power of Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (FBCA), a cutting-edge tool used to detect early signs of dysfunction. Learn how this approach differs from conventional methods by focusing on optimal health ranges rather than disease thresholds, enabling personalized interventions for improved wellness. Dive into the details of how FBCA can uncover the root causes of your health concerns, guiding tailored recommendations to restore your body to its best state.

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