Tools for Optimal Wellness & Vitality

The Healing Masters Blog

Articles, resources and free guides to help you heal the root causes of chronic health challenges and make wellness practices a part of daily life

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Cell Danger Response Impact on Your Health

Cell Danger Response Impact on Your Health

Have you been sick for an extended amount of time, and you can’t seem to get better no matter what you do? In fact, your symptoms are progressively getting worse. If this sounds familiar, your healing process may be “getting stuck” in the Cell Danger Response (CDR) mode. If this cellular dysfunction is left unaddressed, it leads to uncontrolled inflammation, various debilitating symptoms, and even complex chronic illnesses. But there is hope. You can get yourself out of the CDR, and truly heal.

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Why Am I Sensitive To Everything?

Why Am I Sensitive To Everything?

Feeling overwhelmed by sensitivities to practically everything? Dive into our enlightening blog to uncover why your body might be in constant alert mode, reacting to foods, scents, and environmental triggers. Discover the Terrain Theory and how rebalancing your inner ecosystem could be the key to overcoming these sensitivities. From mold toxicity to Lyme disease, learn how to identify and address the root causes of your discomfort for a healthier, happier life.

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