Tools for Optimal Wellness & Vitality

The Healing Masters Blog

Articles, resources and free guides to help you heal the root causes of chronic health challenges and make wellness practices a part of daily life

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Rebalancing the Body to Balance Hormones
Hormones, Functional Lab Testing Sarah Southerton Hormones, Functional Lab Testing Sarah Southerton

Rebalancing the Body to Balance Hormones

Learn about the hormones in our bodies and how factors like diet, stress, and environmental toxins can disrupt their delicate balance. Gain insights into natural and holistic strategies that promote hormonal health, from nourishing dietary choices to the latest in hormone testing technologies like DUTCH and blood serum tests. Whether you're seeking to enhance your overall wellness or address specific health challenges, this blog offers valuable tips and expert advice to help you navigate your journey to optimal hormonal health.

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Understanding The Importance of Hydrating With Water

Understanding The Importance of Hydrating With Water

Dive into the vital importance of staying hydrated. We uncover why water is not just a beverage, but a critical component of your health and well-being. From aiding digestion and regulating body temperature to cushioning joints and supporting brain function, learn how water keeps you at your best. Plus, discover its role in managing histamine levels and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). Water, despite its simplicity, is at the core of our existence. Without adequate amounts daily, our bodies cannot function correctly.

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A Simple Intro to Drainage Pathways: The Colon
Drainage Pathways Sarah Southerton Drainage Pathways Sarah Southerton

A Simple Intro to Drainage Pathways: The Colon

Poop might not be the most pleasant topic, but when it comes to managing chronic illnesses like Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and tackling toxicity, it's a crucial conversation. The colon plays a pivotal role in alleviating symptoms during detox and reversing diseases. That's why we're starting with the colon in our exploration of drainage pathways.

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How A pH Imbalance Impacts Your Health
Nutrition, Drainage Pathways, Gut Health Sarah Southerton Nutrition, Drainage Pathways, Gut Health Sarah Southerton

How A pH Imbalance Impacts Your Health

Understanding how to maintain proper pH can be a real game changer for most people, especially if you are currently experiencing uncomfortable inflammatory or chronic mysterious symptoms. Explore how pH imbalance affects health, the importance of maintaining optimal pH, and strategies for achieving a balanced body for wellness.

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