Tools for Optimal Wellness & Vitality

The Healing Masters Blog

Articles, resources and free guides to help you heal the root causes of chronic health challenges and make wellness practices a part of daily life

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How Best Case Scenarios Help You Heal
Healing Mindset Sarah Southerton Healing Mindset Sarah Southerton

How Best Case Scenarios Help You Heal

Explore the profound power of a best-case mindset on your health and well-being. Learn how optimistic thinking and visualization can reduce stress, boost gut health, and improve your overall outlook. Discover the mind-body connection and practical steps to cultivate better healing results.

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How Your Emotions Impact The Drainage Pathways
Drainage Pathways, Stress Management Sarah Southerton Drainage Pathways, Stress Management Sarah Southerton

How Your Emotions Impact The Drainage Pathways

Despite what conventional medicine tells us, our bodies are marvelous, complex systems where every part is connected. This is particularly true when considering the relationship between our emotions and our physical health. Have you ever noticed that stress can cause stomach upset or that anxiety can make you feel physically drained? This isn't just coincidence; it's a reflection of how closely our emotions are tied to our body's functions, particularly the brain, nervous system, and drainage pathways. In this blog post, we'll explore how your emotional world is deeply interconnected with your physical well-being and ability to eliminate waste from the body.

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How Gut Bacteria Affect Your Mood
Gut Health, Stress Management Sarah Southerton Gut Health, Stress Management Sarah Southerton

How Gut Bacteria Affect Your Mood

In this blog, we dive into the gut-brain connection. It’s no surprise that the state of our physical health impacts our emotional well-being. But have you ever considered that the bacteria in your gut could be directly influencing your mood and brain health? The gut-brain axis is the interaction between our gut microbiota and our brain. This means the bacteria in your gut are capable of playing with your feelings and cognitive function. The good news is that you can directly influence the composition of your gut, helping to positively improve your mood. A healthy gut microbiome = a happier brain.

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The Limbic System's Impact on Mast Cells

The Limbic System's Impact on Mast Cells

By recognizing the connection between trauma, limbic system cross-wiring, and MCAS, we start to have an even deeper appreciation of the profound interplay between emotional and physical health. This understanding highlights the need for a holistic approach to wellness that addresses not just the physical symptoms, but also the emotional and neurological roots. In this blog, we’ll explore how our emotional brain and psychological triggers can influence your physical reactions.

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The Differences Between Drainage Pathways and Detox
Drainage Pathways, Toxicity Sarah Southerton Drainage Pathways, Toxicity Sarah Southerton

The Differences Between Drainage Pathways and Detox

In the realm of holistic healing and wellness, two terms often stand out: drainage and detoxification (detox). Both are processes dedicated to clearing out harmful substances and toxins from our bodies. But while they might sound interchangeable, they serve unique and equally important roles in ensuring our health. For those who struggle with gut health challenges, fatigue, allergies, and brain fog, understanding the distinction is pivotal. In this blog, I’ll discuss the differences between drainage and detox, and why supporting drainage before moving into a deeper detox is so important.

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How Histamine Affects Your Poop

How Histamine Affects Your Poop

Dive into the surprising connection between histamine levels and your bowel movements. Discover how histamine, beyond just causing allergies, plays a crucial role in digestive health, affecting everything from your stool characteristics to overall gut function. Learn practical tips for balancing histamine to unlock optimal gut health and immune function. If you've ever wondered about the link between your diet, digestive issues, and how you feel, this blog will shed light on one of the key factors influencing your wellness.

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5 Reasons To Get a Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (FBCA) Twice a Year
Functional Lab Testing Sarah Southerton Functional Lab Testing Sarah Southerton

5 Reasons To Get a Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (FBCA) Twice a Year

Our bodies are intricate systems, and understanding what's happening inside us is foundational for optimizing our wellbeing. Functional blood chemistry analysis goes beyond the traditional approach to bloodwork by providing valuable insights into the root causes of potential imbalances and dysfunctions, clearly highlighting how your values compare to those associated with optimal wellness. FBCA calls attention to both immediate and emerging health concerns, because “normal” is not the same as optimal when it comes to bloodwork.

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Are MCAS & Long-Covid the Same Thing?
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) Sarah Southerton Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) Sarah Southerton

Are MCAS & Long-Covid the Same Thing?

Facing the aftermath of COVID-19, many are grappling with persistent, perplexing symptoms, a condition now widely recognized as Long-COVID. But could there be a deeper connection to Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)? In this revealing post, we explore the parallels between these two health challenges, shedding light on the significant overlap in symptoms and the theory that COVID-19 might trigger or exacerbate MCAS. Dive into the science behind the symptoms, understand the impact on your health, and learn actionable strategies to navigate the road to recovery with insight and hope.

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Neurological Symptoms Of Mold Exposure: 5 Things You Must Know
Toxicity Sarah Southerton Toxicity Sarah Southerton

Neurological Symptoms Of Mold Exposure: 5 Things You Must Know

Are you experiencing balance and coordination issues, brain fog, or vision disturbances? If your neuro symptoms aren’t going away and you’re coming up empty-ended, it’s time to consider if they could be explained by mold illness. If you suspect your symptoms are from mold, there are 5 things you need to know as you dive into your healing journey. Discover the hidden neurological impact of mold exposure, including balance issues, memory loss, and cognitive decline. Learn essential insights on susceptibility, home testing, and the urgent need for addressing mold toxicity for overall well-being.

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Lyme Disease: Hidden Explanation of Your MCAS

Lyme Disease: Hidden Explanation of Your MCAS

Dive into the intricate link between Lyme disease and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). Discover how an overlooked tick bite could be the key to understanding your chronic symptoms, from relentless fatigue to mysterious allergic reactions. Learn about the root causes of MCAS, the role of Lyme and its co-infections, and the path to reclaiming your health through targeted treatment strategies. If you've battled with unexplained health issues, this blog might just shine a light on the hidden culprit behind your discomfort.

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Parasites as a Cause of Your MCAS

Parasites as a Cause of Your MCAS

Explore the hidden connection between parasites and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). Uncover how these unwelcome guests could be triggering your severe allergic reactions, GI issues, and anxiety, and learn about the transformative journey of parasite cleansing. If you're battling with MCAS and seeking answers, this is a must-read.

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