Tools for Optimal Wellness & Vitality

The Healing Masters Blog

Articles, resources and free guides to help you heal the root causes of chronic health challenges and make wellness practices a part of daily life

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Rebalancing the Body to Balance Hormones
Hormones, Functional Lab Testing Sarah Southerton Hormones, Functional Lab Testing Sarah Southerton

Rebalancing the Body to Balance Hormones

Learn about the hormones in our bodies and how factors like diet, stress, and environmental toxins can disrupt their delicate balance. Gain insights into natural and holistic strategies that promote hormonal health, from nourishing dietary choices to the latest in hormone testing technologies like DUTCH and blood serum tests. Whether you're seeking to enhance your overall wellness or address specific health challenges, this blog offers valuable tips and expert advice to help you navigate your journey to optimal hormonal health.

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Navigating Environmental Toxicity and Hormonal Health
Toxicity, Hormones Sarah Southerton Toxicity, Hormones Sarah Southerton

Navigating Environmental Toxicity and Hormonal Health

In the quest for optimal health, it is essential to recognize the intricate interplay between environmental factors and physiological wellbeing, especially when it comes to hormonal balance. The research is clear: environmental toxicity influences our hormone levels, upsetting the delicate balance of the endocrine system and more. This blog explains how environmental pollutants and higher toxic burden within the body contribute to hormonal dysregulation, and how holistic evidence-based strategies can be followed to mitigate these effects.

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How Drainage Pathway Health Impacts Hormones
Drainage Pathways, Hormones Sarah Southerton Drainage Pathways, Hormones Sarah Southerton

How Drainage Pathway Health Impacts Hormones

In this blog, we will discuss a topic that is fundamental yet often overlooked: how the health of our drainage pathways profoundly impacts our hormonal balance and overall wellness. These pathways — the liver, lymphatic system, kidneys, and colon — are the unsung heroes of our body's elimination and detoxification processes. They work tirelessly to eliminate toxins and waste products, helping to maintain a harmonious balance within our body.

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10 Ways to Reboot Mind-Body Health and Promote Healing
Healing Mindset, Stress Management Sarah Southerton Healing Mindset, Stress Management Sarah Southerton

10 Ways to Reboot Mind-Body Health and Promote Healing

Feeling overwhelmed by chronic illness and stuck in your healing journey? Discover ten powerful strategies to reboot your mind-body health, from nurturing your nervous system to embracing a spiritual awakening. This comprehensive guide offers hope and actionable steps towards healing complex chronic diseases, illuminating the path to a healthier, more balanced life. Dive in to unlock the potential for profound healing and find the answers you've been seeking.

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