Tools for Optimal Wellness & Vitality
The Healing Masters Blog
Articles, resources and free guides to help you heal the root causes of chronic health challenges and make wellness practices a part of daily life
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Navigating Environmental Toxicity and Hormonal Health
In the quest for optimal health, it is essential to recognize the intricate interplay between environmental factors and physiological wellbeing, especially when it comes to hormonal balance. The research is clear: environmental toxicity influences our hormone levels, upsetting the delicate balance of the endocrine system and more. This blog explains how environmental pollutants and higher toxic burden within the body contribute to hormonal dysregulation, and how holistic evidence-based strategies can be followed to mitigate these effects.

How Gut Bacteria Affect Your Mood
In this blog, we dive into the gut-brain connection. It’s no surprise that the state of our physical health impacts our emotional well-being. But have you ever considered that the bacteria in your gut could be directly influencing your mood and brain health? The gut-brain axis is the interaction between our gut microbiota and our brain. This means the bacteria in your gut are capable of playing with your feelings and cognitive function. The good news is that you can directly influence the composition of your gut, helping to positively improve your mood. A healthy gut microbiome = a happier brain.

The Impact of Fasting on Drainage Pathways
Ever felt sluggish, mentally foggy, or just not yourself? These signals often point to clogged internal drainage pathways. The ancient remedy of fasting, while trendy today, has a rich history. This blog explores the science and potential benefits of fasting, helping you understand if it's right for you.

What You Need to Know Before Starting a Parasite Cleanse
Are you showing signs and symptoms of intestinal parasites? If you’re constantly running to the bathroom, managing digestive issues, nausea, extreme sugar cravings, insomnia, mood swings, or feeling completely exhausted and rundown, an intestinal parasite cleanse may be a great way to improve your symptoms.

Uncover Food Sensitivities and Hidden Allergies With LRA Testing
If you suspect your immune system is overburdened by various allergens and pathogens, Lymphocyte Response Assay (LRA) testing can streamline the elimination process. You can significantly reduce inflammation and symptom expression by identifying and eliminating allergens from your diet or environment. ELISA/ACT’s LRA tests measure up to 512 different allergens, including foods, additives and preservatives, food colorings, molds, environmental chemicals, toxic minerals and metals, medications, therapeutic herbs, dander, hairs, and feathers. This test was critical to reducing my mast cell activation symptoms.

Parasites as a Cause of Your MCAS
Explore the hidden connection between parasites and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). Uncover how these unwelcome guests could be triggering your severe allergic reactions, GI issues, and anxiety, and learn about the transformative journey of parasite cleansing. If you're battling with MCAS and seeking answers, this is a must-read.

How MCAS May Explain Your Symptoms
Struggling with a plethora of mysterious symptoms that leave even the best doctors puzzled? Discover how Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) could be the hidden culprit behind your health woes. From chronic fatigue and severe allergies to digestive issues and skin flare-ups, MCAS is an often misdiagnosed condition affecting many. This blog dives into MCAS, shedding light on its symptoms, misdiagnosis issues, and the hopeful journey towards recovery.