Tools for Optimal Wellness & Vitality

The Healing Masters Blog

Articles, resources and free guides to help you heal the root causes of chronic health challenges and make wellness practices a part of daily life

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Toxins, Terrain Theory and Your Health
Toxicity, Gut Health Sarah Southerton Toxicity, Gut Health Sarah Southerton

Toxins, Terrain Theory and Your Health

Uncover the nuances of Terrain Theory and its impact on health. Explore the great debate between Germ Theory and Terrain Theory. Learn how toxins disrupt internal harmony, affecting bacteria, and discover the path to enduring wellness. Terrain theory explains why several people who are “exposed” to the same disease or conditions don’t have the same reaction and intensity of illness. Learn why foundational medicine starts with getting the environment of our body ready to heal and rebalance before beginning any treatment.

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How Gut Bacteria Affect Your Mood
Gut Health, Stress Management Sarah Southerton Gut Health, Stress Management Sarah Southerton

How Gut Bacteria Affect Your Mood

In this blog, we dive into the gut-brain connection. It’s no surprise that the state of our physical health impacts our emotional well-being. But have you ever considered that the bacteria in your gut could be directly influencing your mood and brain health? The gut-brain axis is the interaction between our gut microbiota and our brain. This means the bacteria in your gut are capable of playing with your feelings and cognitive function. The good news is that you can directly influence the composition of your gut, helping to positively improve your mood. A healthy gut microbiome = a happier brain.

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Parasites as a Cause of Your MCAS

Parasites as a Cause of Your MCAS

Explore the hidden connection between parasites and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). Uncover how these unwelcome guests could be triggering your severe allergic reactions, GI issues, and anxiety, and learn about the transformative journey of parasite cleansing. If you're battling with MCAS and seeking answers, this is a must-read.

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Could Mold Toxicity Be Behind Your MCAS?

Could Mold Toxicity Be Behind Your MCAS?

How are MCAS and mold toxicity related? Mast cell activation syndrome is often triggered by mold toxicity. Stressors can dislodge mycotoxins that are attached to your cells, travel through your bloodstream and come into contact with your mast cells. This can activate your mast cells, leading them to release inflammatory mediators that cause your MCAS flare-ups.

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