Could Mold Toxicity Be Behind Your MCAS?

Do you experience severe allergy-like symptoms from your mast cell activation syndrome? You’re tired of not getting answers, and antihistamines can only do so much to relieve your symptoms. These days they barely take the edge off. You just want to feel healthy again. 

I get it. I once suffered from severe MCAS (and many other complex conditions). 

That was until I learned that getting to the root cause of MCAS was the answer to fixing my flare ups for good. In most cases, like mine, mold toxicity is one main cause of Mast Cell Activation Syndome.

What is MCAS?

MCAS stands for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Your mast cells are an integral part of your immune system. They help keep your body safe from foreign invaders and function as a bridge between your immune system and your nervous system (communicating physically and chemically). Mast cells are located everywhere in the body but are concentrated in areas that are more likely to be in contact with the outside world (aka for invaders, like pathogens, parasites, and toxins). This is in areas like your throat, sinuses, gut, skin, and entire respiratory tract. 

Mast cell activation syndrome is when your mast cells are inappropriately stimulated and release excess granules and mediators, that cause inflammation and can even travel to the bloodstream, impacting other areas of the body.

And you know what the surprising thing about mast cell activation syndrome is? It's estimated that 10-17% of the population has it.

What is Mold Toxicity?

Mold toxicity is when specific microbes like molds including black mold, Stachybotrys Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fursarium, Wallemia, Alternaria and Chaetomium enter into your body, accumulate, damage our cells, trigger the immune system, and even release biotoxins that can make you even sicker. 

These toxins from mold (aka mycotoxins) can attach to the outer membrane of your cells and become so packed full that even the slightest stressor or trigger can knock off those toxins and they can be released in your bloodstream, exacerbating your symptoms. Since the toxins take over your membrane space, your cells can't function properly and carry out their normal processes. Mycotoxin accumulation can even impair detox and elimination pathways, So the mold toxin accumulation continues to build up and get worse. Simply put, the body can't get rid of what's making it sick. I once heard someone compare detoxing mold from the body to trying to clean a bear cage while the bear is sleeping.

Could Mold Exposure Cause MCAS?

So how are MCAS and mold toxicity related? Mast cell activation syndrome is often triggered by mold toxicity. Stressors can dislodge those toxins that are attached to your cells, travel through your bloodstream and come into contact with your mast cells. These can activate your mast cells, leading them to release inflammatory mediators that cause your MCAS flare-ups. 

Your mast cells can become so overactive that they lose specificity and can start reacting to normal stimuli that would typically not set them off. This is why you could be reacting to foods, smells, sounds, touch, light and chemicals. 

Common Sources of Mold Exposure

  • Hidden in your home (even newer homes could have mold hiding behind walls)

  • Contaminated Foods (nuts, coffee, dried foods, improperly stored foods)

  • Basements

  • Wet or moist areas (think bathroom, under floors, and even behind walls)

  • Areas that have flooded or flood frequently

  • Outdoors (mold on grass after snow melts, forests, etc.)

Who is at a higher risk for mold toxicity?

For most people (about 75% of the population), their immune system recognizes toxins and has the dense ability to destroy them. However, one in four people have a variant in their HLA gene that doesn't allow them to create antibodies to these toxins so these individuals are unable to detox from mold.

The MTHFR genetic mutation also makes it harder to detox and means that you don’t methylate. With these predispositions to being sensitive to toxic mold exposure, the toxins can easily accumulate in the bodies, progressively getting worse and making MCAS and mold toxicity symptoms more severe. This is why the best approaches to treating MCAS should account for your personalized functional genomics. We offer testing and Functional Genomics education at Healing Masters.

Mold Toxicity Treatment

Natural toxicity treatment requires a very individualized approach, especially for individuals who are suffering from MCAS and mold and are highly sensitive individuals.

For people who have mold toxicity, and their detox and elimination organs have been impaired because of the toxins accumulation, we need to address the shutdown of these organs before we can begin treatment. 

Even if we find out that you have mold issues, we can't begin binders until you're able to eliminate even those binders from your body. For some patients, starting a mold toxicity treatment before being able to actually detox, symptoms may actually get worse. Think of it like shaking a snow globe and the snow flakes stay inside the globe.

You can see how it can be a bit tricky, and the order that we do things is extremely critical and may differ from person to person. It's vital to remain optimistic and to keep trying new approaches if you don't see successful results with certain ones.

Tips for Treating MCAS and Mold Toxicity:

  • Test for mold exposure so you get a better idea of the specific mold you were dealing with.

  • Test your home for mold. If it comes up positive you may have to move elsewhere during treatment and/or until you can get mold remediation. 

  • Remove your mold and mast cell activation triggers- stress, certain foods, other toxic products, etc.

  • Consider Advanced TUDCA and BioToxin or Carboxy Binder, as they bind to mycotoxins better and mobilize your bile for more toxins to be carried out, which helps pull the toxins out of your GI tract. 

  • Utilize mast cell stabilizers, like quercetin, H1 and H2 blockers. Some may benefit from cromolyn, either in a nasal spray, nebulizer, or mixed and drank orally before meals.

  • Focus on opening up detox and drainage pathways. 

  • Reduce your intake of carbs, especially simple sugars since that can feed the mold and suppress immune function further. Focus on high quality proteins instead.

  • Use a low histamine diet, try it for 2 weeks and see if you notice an improvement.

  • I encourage exercise but be mindful of your symptoms. If pushing your body too much exacerbates your symptoms, take a break and slow down. 

  • Most importantly, listen to your body. If something doesn't feel right please tell your provider so that alternative treatment plans can be considered.

  • Work with a MCAS specialist to cut years off of your healing journey and embrace a healthy life sooner.

Keep in mind that depending on the severity of your MCAS and mold toxicity severity, healing may be a slow and steady journey. It may take 6 months to a couple years to fully heal because of how much damage mold can inflict on your tissues. It's important to stay optimistic and hopeful during this time. Having someone by your side who understands the emotional and physical tool can help you navigate through the healing journey with less distress.

Overcome Your Chronic Symptoms & Heal Holistically

Are you looking to get to the root cause of your symptoms? We can help you.

We use holistic approaches and functional medicine lab testing to investigate what is triggering your chronic symptoms so you can address them at their source and start to feel better faster. Our health coaches are masters at guiding the healing of multiple root causes in a personalized order that gets you wellness results that last. We also help you maintain good health and minimize your disease risks.



by sarah southerton

Certified Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP2) & Functional Medicine Health Coach

I specialize in helping people heal chronic illnesses and achieve optimal health. After my own battle with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS), Lyme disease, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and Post Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), I was thrust into the world of alternative medicine, herbal healing, and low-tox/low-stress living. I have since restored my health and no longer suffer with debilitating symptoms and I’m passionate about help other people who are suffering, so they can feel better a lot faster than I did.


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Parasites as a Cause of Your MCAS


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