Tools for Optimal Wellness & Vitality

The Healing Masters Blog

Articles, resources and free guides to help you heal the root causes of chronic health challenges and make wellness practices a part of daily life

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The Impact of Fasting on Drainage Pathways
Drainage Pathways Sarah Southerton Drainage Pathways Sarah Southerton

The Impact of Fasting on Drainage Pathways

Ever felt sluggish, mentally foggy, or just not yourself? These signals often point to clogged internal drainage pathways. The ancient remedy of fasting, while trendy today, has a rich history. This blog explores the science and potential benefits of fasting, helping you understand if it's right for you.

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The Healing Power of Deep Breathing
Healing Mindset Sarah Southerton Healing Mindset Sarah Southerton

The Healing Power of Deep Breathing

Chronic diseases can leave the body in a constant state of stress, over-stimulating the sympathetic nervous system and underutilizing the calming parasympathetic nervous system. Learn how diaphragmatic and Pilates breathing techniques can transform health, reduce stress, and promote a profound sense of calm, especially beneficial for those managing chronic symptoms and conditions like MCAS. Unlock the path to relaxation and healing through focused, intentional breathing practices detailed within.

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Parasites as a Cause of Your MCAS

Parasites as a Cause of Your MCAS

Explore the hidden connection between parasites and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). Uncover how these unwelcome guests could be triggering your severe allergic reactions, GI issues, and anxiety, and learn about the transformative journey of parasite cleansing. If you're battling with MCAS and seeking answers, this is a must-read.

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Could Mold Toxicity Be Behind Your MCAS?

Could Mold Toxicity Be Behind Your MCAS?

How are MCAS and mold toxicity related? Mast cell activation syndrome is often triggered by mold toxicity. Stressors can dislodge mycotoxins that are attached to your cells, travel through your bloodstream and come into contact with your mast cells. This can activate your mast cells, leading them to release inflammatory mediators that cause your MCAS flare-ups.

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