Tools for Optimal Wellness & Vitality

The Healing Masters Blog

Articles, resources and free guides to help you heal the root causes of chronic health challenges and make wellness practices a part of daily life

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Are Emotional Blocks Interfering with Your Healing?
Healing Mindset, Stress Management Sarah Southerton Healing Mindset, Stress Management Sarah Southerton

Are Emotional Blocks Interfering with Your Healing?

Here at Healing Masters, we believe in unlocking the full potential of our health and well-being by focusing not just on the physical aspects of healing, but also the emotional and spiritual elements. Today, we dive into a question that might resonate deeply with many of you that feel stuck or disconnected: Are emotional blocks interfering with your healing?

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How Parasites Clog Your Drainage Pathways
Drainage Pathways, Parasites Sarah Southerton Drainage Pathways, Parasites Sarah Southerton

How Parasites Clog Your Drainage Pathways

This blog explores an often overlooked aspect of gut health and overall wellness: the impact of parasites on your body's drainage pathways. It's a topic that might seem a bit daunting at first, but understanding it is crucial for anyone striving for optimal health, especially if you're dealing with gut health challenges, hormonal imbalances, fatigue, allergies, brain fog, or anxiousness.

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How Drainage Pathway Health Impacts Hormones
Drainage Pathways, Hormones Sarah Southerton Drainage Pathways, Hormones Sarah Southerton

How Drainage Pathway Health Impacts Hormones

In this blog, we will discuss a topic that is fundamental yet often overlooked: how the health of our drainage pathways profoundly impacts our hormonal balance and overall wellness. These pathways — the liver, lymphatic system, kidneys, and colon — are the unsung heroes of our body's elimination and detoxification processes. They work tirelessly to eliminate toxins and waste products, helping to maintain a harmonious balance within our body.

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Two Herbs to Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally
Nutrition, Functional Lab Testing Sarah Southerton Nutrition, Functional Lab Testing Sarah Southerton

Two Herbs to Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally

Dive into the world of cholesterol, where understanding its role goes beyond mere numbers. This insightful piece explores the intricate balance of cholesterol in our bodies, highlighting its importance for overall health and the potential risks when levels are unbalanced. Learn about natural herbal strategies to manage cholesterol effectively.

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Toxicity, Sensitivity & Chronic Illness Connection

Toxicity, Sensitivity & Chronic Illness Connection

Dive into the intricate connection between environmental toxicity, heightened sensitivities, and the emergence of chronic illnesses. This blog sheds light on how underlying infections and toxic exposures contribute to conditions like MCAS, offering insights into preventive measures and healing strategies. Discover the importance of recognizing and addressing these root causes to regain control of your health and navigate the path to recovery.

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Bioenergetic Testing for Innovative Health Insights
Functional Lab Testing Sarah Southerton Functional Lab Testing Sarah Southerton

Bioenergetic Testing for Innovative Health Insights

Explore the revolutionary approach of bioenergetic testing to gain deeper insights into your health. Ideal for individuals battling complex illnesses or sensitivities, this non-invasive method uses hair and saliva samples to uncover the root causes of imbalance. Learn how it can provide a comprehensive view of your body's energetic state, pinpointing everything from hormonal imbalances, to emotional states and environmental sensitivities. Discover a personalized path to healing that addresses your unique needs and brings your body back into balance.

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